3 Sleeps to go.

Well there is only 3 sleeps till Christmas Day.
I have my Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve so the boys are looking forward to it. They get Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
I haven't heard yet from the last 2 DT positions so maybe that will be announced early January.
We will be going away on Boxing Day with friends and family camping so that will be fun. Looking forward to it. We'll be back on the 1st Jan sometime.
Hope everyone has a wonderful xmas and a great new year. I look forward to the new year bringing new things for me.
And new things happening to LC's Creative Scrapbooks new upgrade will be unveiled on the 27th Dec. So that is only 5 days away. Unfortunately I wont be there as I'll already be away. But we'd like to have as many people there as possible online to see the unveilling. Due to the location of where I will be it wont be possible for me to log on at the time. No matter. I look forward to seeing the changes when I return. You will love it I am sure. So many things happening at this time of year its very exciting and overwhelming.
DH out tonight at his work christmas unfortunately they don't invite their partners which isn't too friendly but DH hopes to change that concept. He also got a nice bonus at work too. So maybe I can get my exerciser walker or a gym membership.
I am so thrilled at that prospect.
So its going to be a lonely night with the kids. I am bit low today, perhaps because of that and DH out and being so close to christmas I just wanted to be with him and spend time with him. I'll try to do some scrapbooking if I can. But I get a bit sooky when DH is away or out at something special at this time of year without me. Oh well that is just me.