Thursday, October 26, 2006

Having Issues with this Blog

I am trying to add a 'Favourite Places' and 'Friends Blog' headings but not sure how as I am not much good at code.
And I have to add everyone's name back onto my blog here.
But its not having much luck.
Help some one.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Christmas is coming, now what to do!

Hi I know its early but this is the first year I am actually organised.
Everyother year I am rushing around at the last minute finding presents. For those that need some help in making Xmas a little more personal here are some ideas I've thought about:
Make own place tags for your table
Make xmas crackers and place something special in it for them.
Make decorations to hang on tree or around the house.
Personal xmas cards are always nice to receive when you make them yourself. And are more likely to be kept for that reason.
Make a scrapbook calendar of 2007.
Decorate a nice jar put some think like rumballs in it and attach the receipe to it.
Make a special voucher for a friend to help them with something - eg. This voucher is for Free come over for a coffee and chat service or Free clean the house voucher or you know whatever you like.
Make up a photo LO and embellish it, give to a friend to hang on their wall.

Hope some of these have helped you with your organisation for a lovely Christmas this year.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Friday, October 06, 2006

LC's Retreat

May 2007 25, 26 & 27
Glenelg, Scout Adventurous Activities Headquarters.
Stay tuned for more details coming soon.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I got tagged.

I have been tagged by Lee
List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets.

1. Our cat Tealc is really a dog in a cat's body. He follows you everywhere and pants like a dog too. (DH a Stargate fan hence the cat's name lol)

2. Every now and then our cat Sabrina gets a burr up the bum (as we call it) really she just goes nuts until Tealc bops her to snap out of it. She runs around jumps up the door jams and skids around and crashes into things. She is normally the danity little thing. LOL

3. I don't like sauce with everything unlike my DH that thinks I am weird because I don't.
4. I used to do Austrian dancing and played the Cowbells

5. I married my high school sweet heart. Might be considered weird as its not overly common. But I love him just the same and our two boys.
People I tag to continue with weird things, I have no idea I'll have to think about that one.

Many Things

So much has been happening lately. So I am sorry I haven't had much chance to update here.
Went away for the long weekend and have some lovely photos that I can't wait to scrap.
I didn't get into the top 14 for the Making Memories Idol. But that is ok. Can't hurt to try.

I have been told I have been tagged so who ever tagged me needs to give me the info so I can add it.

Everything is very busy at the moment at Stationery Magic. They will be opening up the shop for people to sell scrapbooking items so it if you have some old stock that you'd like to get rid of that someone else might like keep your eyes open at Stationery Magic as it will be opening soon for everyone to buy and sell.

So many new things are happening at Stationery Magic at the moment so much upgrading and hopefully soon there will be online courses you can do.
I really excited about it and look forward to all these new things happening.
Also there is a Special Contest that will be up and running soon. So if you want to check that out go to the link I have to get to Stationery Magic go into the forum and look at Special Events - Contest. It is going to be great.

Also if you have a business and would like to open yourself to some new clients check out our directory on Stationery Magic site. We can add your details to our website for those browsing the site will come across your directory and services. Another way to generate new business to your company.