Sunday, February 25, 2007

Quite Day

Today has been a quite day for us. DS Mitch is not very well. He was sick this morning and is slowly coming back. I have been giving him Hydrolyte (which the hospital gave me last time but apparently you can get it in chemists now). And giving him 10mls every 10mins to keep his fluids up. He has been able to keep it down for a little while now so I gave him some water with very little cordial and he's had sips of that and has kept it down.
My little angel is sleeping now poor little thing. But we have watched movies together and played with playdough with him so he isn't too bad.

But he'll stay home tomorrow regardless as I want to make sure he is ok.
So either I am home or my dad will look after him. He should be ok. But just want to make sure Mitch is over whatever he had.

I haven't done much today I had lots of plans too but since Mitch was sick this morning its gone.
But that's ok I'd rather be next to my little boy.

At least Hayden is fine. Touch wood.
He hasn't been sick for quite a while now.
Well a small incident on the second week of school he came home not well and stayed home the next day. Other than that its been a while.

I will work on my parents wedding album later and the other DT LO I have to do. My last one for MaDscraps. Then I'll get stuck into the 52 week card Challenge Vicki is doing over at the Scrapper Hub ( LC's) in Vicki's Venue. It comes from Emily Falconbridge's Blog.
I also want to do a birthday book for Mum for her birthday this Friday. My Friend did a gorgeous one for a tutorial.

So I might work on one of these while Mitch sleeps. Or do tonight.

Anyway till next time.


Saturday, February 24, 2007

What a Day

My poor little spud is unwell. Has been for most of the day.
Running temps and just wanting cuddles. I have done some things around the house with him tied to my leg as he was afraid I'd leave him. He wouldn't eat much today. And didnt go to bed either tonight so I have put him in my bed. And is sleeping now. DH doesn't like the kids in our bed. And I understand that. But when they are not well I like to be near them for reassurance to them. Instead of them crying out all night. Or I am on the sofa bed with him again tonight. Not sure yet what I am going to do.

Got some Cocacola promotion thing saying I've won. I think it a hoaks though. Nice to be told I've won $250,000 yeah right. DO NOT ANSWER EMAILS FROM THEM. THEY ARE FROM UK AND WANT MONEY TO PAY FOR INSURANCE. They are crap. Don't worry I didn't do it.
Cocacola uk promo with a hawaii email is definately sus.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

So Much has changed

Sorry for leaving my postings for such a long time. So much has happened and only just resettling my feet.
Well, due to various circumstances I have left MaDscraps as a Creative Angel Design Team member. I am very sad about it but not much that can be done about that. So I am back over at LC's Creative Scrapbooks as a Moderator and now run Circle Journals and Swaps. I can still do tutorials etc... so that is fine. I am also over at Scrapbook Station with the great girls there. Half of the old LC's girls have gone there too so that is nice.

I have my last Design Team Layouts coming out soon too at the end of this month. So keep a look out. I'll put up my last months DT layouts for you to see and a couple of added ones that I have done.
Other Layouts:

I have been following Vicki with the 52 Card Challenge from Emily Falconbridge which is awesome.

Amongst all the ups and downs this month something good has come through.
I am so excited can hardly contain myself. A friend of mine ask me if I could run a Scrapbooking Class for a group of her friends. I said sure. She said she'll get the girls to pay me for it just bring what they need for a class and they'll bring the basics.So I have worked out a basic LO for them to do and will Charge about $10 which includes the products. She said she has 5- 6 friends that would be interested. Wow.!
I said sure let them know how much it would be and get back to me. She spoke to me tonight and said yep lets go with it. And we are just organising a date in March to do it. So thrilled.
Maybe this can be an ongoing thing? who knows?

Hayden has started school and is doing extremely well. Going great with his reading and maybe up to the next level. I am so proud of him. Despite his speech problem he is doing really well.

And is improving all the time.
He looks so cute in his Uniform. I helped out today at the school in his class room with some craft things. It was great. I am sort of used to the craft thing and doing this sort of thing with this age group since I was previously a Joey Scout Leader with 20, 6 - 7 year olds.
Might put Mitch in Occasional Care though on Thursdays just so I am without him. And can concentrate on helping Hayden's class.