Monday, April 30, 2007

OMG I got it, I got it!

Oh wow. Last week I was notified that I got the DT position at 'Meant to Be Scrapbooking'.
But tonight I also received a photo call from the the owners at Basically Scrapbooking and I have got in there too. Wow!
I am so excited. I have been so worried because I didn't think I was good enough for only doing scrapbooking for 1year.
I can't wait. So I am on the forum at Basically Scrapbooking and will upload my LO's etc... soon.
Meant to Be don't have a forum yet but will soon. My fellow Hub Scrappers got into the DT at Meant to Be so I look forward to that too. Congratulations Lee, Kerry and WendyG.

Its going to be so much fun.

I'll put some of my DT LO's on here once I've done them.

Thanks to everyone that has wished me luck.

I'll keep you posted with things.



Saturday, April 14, 2007

Design Team Advertisements.

Recently I've applied for a few DT positions. I am hoping I get one of them.

I've applied at Blue Eye Dezines - They also produce some of their own brand stock too. They have awesome products. They are from NSW.
Another Place is Meant to Be - The are a cool scrapbooking shop in QLD. A fellow DT that I know has also applied to this one. Good Luck girl! You have an awesome talent.
And the last one is at Basically Scrapbooking - They are just starting out on the web with an online shop now.

The shortlisting will happen soon so I am crossing my fingers.
I should know in a few weeks time what the outcome is.

I'll keep you upto date and let you know how I go.



Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Been too Long between Posts

Sorry, things been a little flat out.
But I am back now. Found something interesting too.

Hi a friend at The Scrappers Hub found this site that lets you submit your LO's for publishing to different magazines. It lists heaps of them and it keeps a register of your submissions so that you know what you have submitted. I thought that you would like to have a look see. Its free to join and it can't hurt to try for publication of LO's. Have fun.
I thought this was really cool and have joined.

Had a great Easter, hope everyone did too. We went upto Hallett not far from Mt Bryan and Burra in SA's North. Each year Venturers ( 15 - 18yrs old ) (they are a level of Scouts) Hike for 4 days earning points along the way. Its a bit of an orienteering thing as they have to plot their own course with the details they are given. DH is the Branch Commissioner for Scout Radio Activities Group SA and was running the communications for the event. I helped out with some of the catering. DS's were at their Gran's at Clare enjoying some time with her and Grandpa Mark from Thursday till Saturday Lunch then DH and I picked them up to go back to camping at Hallett. My boys love camping and Hayden can't wait to start Joey Scouts. (has to wait till he is 6yrs ).

On Sunday morning DH hid the easter eggs outside around the tent. The boys loved looking for them. Hayden wanted to do it all again Monday. Sorry sweetie Easter Bunny only comes one day. lol
Now we are home all safe and sound again.

Got a few scrap things coming up.
Cyber Crop at The Scrappers Hub 20 - 22nd April sponsored by Altogether Scrap. You can purchase the Make n Take kit from Altogether Scrap.
29th April - Angel Creations Flower Hexagonal boxes - OTP online class.
Just finished my Scrappers Hub Swap of Oriental Cards and just starting a CJ here too.

And yes I haven't forgotten I'll put up another Sketch for those that are interested.

I'll put up a prize for those interested in doing this LO. A box of scrap goodies. Lil Davis and BG and HS just to name a few. Email me your LO to and I'll upload it here.

The LO with the most comments under it wins. So get scrapping.

Till Next time.


Lea xo